
My Development Tools

In this blog, I will describe the development setup on my mac book pro. System MacBook Pro: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch Late 2013) Processor 2.6 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 Memory 16 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3 Tools: Docker for Mac iTerm2 OhMyZsh SDKMan Java 11 (installed and managed by SDKMan) Gradle (installed managed by SDKMan) VS Code npm NodeJS Plugins: IntelliJ Plugins:

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Creating This Site

While I am not new to blogging, I was re-inspired by Sasi Peri, a coworker, and her new blog. This gave me the itch to share my experiences and information with hope of helping others.. Now that I was re-inspired to blog, I had a fortunate conversation with Drew Heintz. Drew is a bright young man finishing up his Computer Science and Security degrees from RIT. Drew, shared with me that he did his resume using Hugo.

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Linked post

I’m a linked post in the menu. You can add other posts by adding the following line to the frontmatter: menu = "main" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mauris nulla, vestibulum vel auctor sed, posuere eu lorem. Aliquam consequat augue ut accumsan mollis. Suspendisse malesuada sodales tincidunt. Vivamus sed erat ac augue bibendum porta sed id ipsum. Ut mollis mauris eget ligula sagittis cursus. Aliquam id pharetra tellus.

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Go is for lovers

Hugo uses the excellent go html/template library for its template engine. It is an extremely lightweight engine that provides a very small amount of logic. In our experience that it is just the right amount of logic to be able to create a good static website. If you have used other template systems from different languages or frameworks you will find a lot of similarities in go templates. This document is a brief primer on using go templates.

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